Pantai Cemara Indah
Selain pasir pantainya putih yang indah, disini juga tersedia Taman Rekreasi, yang merupakan salah satu objek wisata rekreasi keluarga. Pantai Cemara Indah ramai di kunjungi tidak hanya dari masyarakat Kabupaten Aceh Barat Daya saja, tetapi juga dari luar daerah, terutama di hari-hari libur dan akhir pekan. Lokasi wisata ini sedang dalam tahap pembangunan yang nantinya akan menjadi objek wisata yang terus berkembang. Fasilitas yang tersedia saat ini adalah warung makan, balai tempat berteduh, bangku taman, tempat permainan anak, lapangan olah raga dan musholla. Di samping itu pelayanan sarana air bersih, listrik,dan telepon juga tersedia di lokasi wisata ini.
Sumber :
Indonesia has natural resources that are so diverse and abundant. However, today a tourist destination in Indonesia is still focused only on some specific areas, such as Bali, Java and Lombok.
So the other tourist attractions are less known. One of them is the Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Province, also known as Aceh.
Not many realize that Aceh has the tourist attractions are beautiful. One is like Pantai Cemara Indah (Cemara Indah beach).
To reach this beach, you can use a car, motorcycle, or other public transportation.
Cemara Indah beach is a very beautiful beach, in addition to white sand beaches, recreational parks are also available here to play and relax. At dusk the day you can relax while enjoying the beauty of the sunset.
The location of this tourist attraction are under construction that will become a tourist attraction which continues to grow, though the tourist beach Beautiful Pine frequently visited by domestic tourists and foreign tourists, especially on holidays and weekends.
So the other tourist attractions are less known. One of them is the Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Province, also known as Aceh.
Not many realize that Aceh has the tourist attractions are beautiful. One is like Pantai Cemara Indah (Cemara Indah beach).
To reach this beach, you can use a car, motorcycle, or other public transportation.
Cemara Indah beach is a very beautiful beach, in addition to white sand beaches, recreational parks are also available here to play and relax. At dusk the day you can relax while enjoying the beauty of the sunset.
The location of this tourist attraction are under construction that will become a tourist attraction which continues to grow, though the tourist beach Beautiful Pine frequently visited by domestic tourists and foreign tourists, especially on holidays and weekends.
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